"Don't you really deserve that new car look?"

The GT 100% Hand Wash at GT AUTO DETAILERS


Thorough vacuum between console, under seats, ashtrays, etc.
Hand wash and dry, wheel well, Armor-all tires, clean windows.
Air-freshner (if desired). Windows treated for rain and fog.
Ony Most Cars: $10

The GT Executive Hand Wash & Wax

Thorough vacuum between console, under seats, ashtrays, etc.
Hand wash and dry, WAX, wheel well, Armor-all tires, clean windows.
Air-freshner (if desired). Windows treated for rain and fog.
Ony Most Cars: $20

Return your car to its original look

with GT Special Buffing Services to remove:
water spots, oxidation, light scratches,
overspray, fallout, treesap, etc.

The GT Executive Complete Detail

Outside: Dress all rubber, vinyl, plastic, & chrome
Windshield treated fro rain and fog.
Ony Most Cars: $55

Treat your car to a

GT Executive Engine Detail !!!

Engine Cleaning, degreasing parts, and dressing engine.
Ony Most Cars: $25

Shop hours: 7 days a week - 7:00AM - 7:00 PM
Phone: 1 (800) 9-CAR-MART, (818) 359-4762

GT Auto Detailers, Inc.
804 E. Hintington Dr. #a
Monrovia, CA 91016-3616


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