Become a "Master" of the Creative Process

After establishing himself as a sucessful real estate developer in Los Angeles, George completed college at Immaculate Heart, where he was asked to teach courses in Creative Problem Solving and Survival through Design.

These courses stirred the imagination of many and resulted in George leading a program in Creative Behavior at the Master's Degree level for the University of Redlands.

In developing this topic George draws on a body of knowledge concerning the Creative Process. Through George's personal coaching you can become a "Master" of creativity.

"George Thornally helped me to see how I could change my life for the better by looking inside to discover the talent I had covered up all these years. And I did so!"
Ed Truman, Musician (Former Business Executive)
Southern California.

"George Thornally helped me cope with some big changes in my life by showing me how to call on my inner resources."
Ed Powers, Director of Design,
PSS Publishing Los Angeles.

"I got three ideas in one hour on how to develop a new business from scratch while attending one of George's online chats at America Online. I'm pursuing one of them now!"
Alex Rosenburg Building Contractor
"Only once before in my life, at the university, have I heard such a moving speaker."
Attendee at George's talk in Atlanta.



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