Overcoming Stress

George's stress program is focused upon coping with the unfortunate results of negative stress. As always, his approach to the subject is fresh. Topics are designed to unhinge the participant from unnecessary struggle and heal wounds.

The program requires a commitment to five closely spaced sessions. For even better results, five-day retreats will be planned. Each day will be divided between seminar and relaxation. Small groups of not more than 15 will benefit the most from these retreats. Maximum number of participants is twelve. Location to be selected.
Fee $25,000 plus expense

Stress, both good and bad; coping
How not to want to do better at Business
How not to want to do better at Sex
How not to want to do better in Sports
How not to want to do better in Society
How not to want to do better with your Soul

Tailored to your needs. Call for information 408 314-5553

Five-day Retreats:
Tailored to your needs. Call for information 408 314-5553



For additional information contact:


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