VIRGIN, The Mystery of Amos Virgin

by George Francis

Praise for Virgin

VIRGIN is a beautiful love story. Yes, it's racy, but "racy" fits the personality of the characters and their circumstances. From the very first chapter it shows what excellent writing skills Francis has. I tried savoring each chapter because I didn't want it to end. I must admit, I cried at the end. But there is closure; it was a good cry!

Marjorie Stampfl,
Editor (retired)
Jackson, California


George Francis' provocative book, VIRGIN, is a sensual mystery story that focuses on interactions between one man and two women. It is a tribute to Francis that he is able to galvanize the reader's interest and take them completely by surprise at the end. The book has the ring of truth, and one can easily imagine the dialogue that thickens the plot and transfixes the reader. It is one of those tales that is hard to put down once started.

Stanley Krippner, Ph.D.,
is Professor of Psychology
Saybrook Graduate School,
San Francisco.


George Francis takes us through the heart and soul of a complex character, whose intellectual and romantic exploits intersect with the early days of California's Monterey Peninsula. But then the promise of this brilliant and handsome young artist crashes to an unexpected conclusion. Francis introduces us to a plethora of interesting characters and exciting episodes. It's a tale with film potential.

David Donnelly, Ed.D.
McCall, Idaho


George Francis tells a story of a young man who is jailed for crimes he did not commit, and is retold through the eyes of the Sheriff's daughter, who falls in love with him. While it is a work of imagination, the story is based on historical events. VIRGIN takes place at the close of the 19th century, and can be viewed as a work of romantic historical fiction. While I find the telling itself to be candid and forthright, it's the moments of inner-reflection of the characters that reveal the true heart of the author.

Kent Fillmore,
College Professor
Vancouver, Washington



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