A. (Sec. 401) Redevelopment Plan Map and Major Project Area Land Uses

The Amended Redevelopment Plan Map illustrates the location of the Project Area boundary, identifies the major streets within the Project Area, and designates the major land uses authorized within the Project Area by the City's current General Plan. It is the intention of this Redevelopment Plan that the major and other land uses to be permitted within the Project Area shall be as provided within the City's General Plan, as it currently exists or as it may from time to time be amended, and as implemented and applied by City ordinances, resolutions and other laws. The major land uses authorized within the Project Area by the General Plan are described below. Other uses may be authorized from time to time by General Plan amendments.

B. (Sec. 402) Major Land Uses

Major private land uses permitted within the Project Area shall include: Residential, Commercial and Industrial. The areas shown on the Amended Redevelopment Plan Map for the foregoing uses may be used for any of the various kinds of uses specified for or permitted within such areas pursuant to the controls of this Plan and by the General Plan and City ordinances, resolutions and other laws.

The following specific requirements shall apply to major land use developments within the Project Area:

  1. (Sec. 403) Residential Uses

    Residential uses shall be allowed in the Project Area only after securing a Conditional Use Permit from the Planning Commission of the City of Monrovia.

  2. (Sec. 404) Commercial Uses

    Properties in the commercial land use designation may be developed for uses consistent with the existing zoning, as it now exists or hereinafter be amended, provided the minimum lot frontage on Huntington Drive for any such development shall not be less than one hundred twenty-five feet (I 25') and the minimum lot area for any such development shall not be less than fifteen thousand square feet (I 5,000 sq. ft.).

  3. (Sec. 405) Industrial Uses

    Properties in the industrial land use designation may be developed for uses consistent with the zoning as it now exists or may hereinafter be amended provided that the minimum lot frontage on Myrtle Avenue for any such development shall be one hundred feet (100') and the minimum lot area shall not be less than fifteen thousand square feet ( 1 5,000 sq. ft.).

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